Tuesday, 11 August 2015

5 Ways Social Media Recruiting Can Benefit Your Company

Finding the right people for the right positions is becoming more and more difficult, even for SMEs and startups. Employers are now putting a lot of emphasis on skills rather than educational attainment, and recruiting teams are dealing with numerous responsibilities and challenges. Given the state of the job market in the current economy, the use of social media in recruitment and selection can prove to be beneficial for your cash-strapped SME or startup.

New tools, new ways to recruit

Small businesses and startups can do wonders with social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, other than to sell their products and services, raise their industry profile, and build their thought leadership. They have now found a new use for it: Recruitment. But why are businesses or rather brands on Facebook or Twitter? Because that’s where their potential customers – or future employees – are. The use of social media in recruitment and selection gives new meaning or impetus to e-recruitment.

Okay, so how can social media benefit your business or organization?

  1. No more costly, time-consuming background checks – Employers and recruiters (including recruitment process outsourcing providers) will no longer go through the rigmarole of background checks, especially when recruiting a large number of people. Most employers may consider Facebook and Twitter to be personal and not professional sites, but they can’t just write them off if they see it as useful for researching potential candidates.
  2. More traffic in recruitment – If you aren’t recruiting on Facebook, perhaps you should start now. According to The Social Media Hat, the service has 1.44 billion monthly active users, and comScore even reported that Facebook also has the most popular social app among millennials, so chances are high that your future employee(s) of the year is on Facebook. Why not post or upload a job ad there now?
  3. Boosts your company’s image – A social media presence can help boost your company’s image to job seekers as it gives them the notion that your company is flexible and ready to adapt to the times. With more and more people getting hooked on social media, you give them a reason to remember that you’re hiring.
  4. Fast and easy referral – If your future employee(s) of the year is not on social media, then probably their friends are. By being active on social media, you make it easier for people to spread the word that your company is hiring. They can share or talk about your job ad with their friends who are looking for a job.
  5. Personal interaction with job seekers – When attracting potential candidates through social media, you are engaging with them on a personal level. You make it feel that your company is genuinely interested in them. Today’s job seekers are more likely to go for employers who recruit them with a more personal approach.
For companies that still hire through recruitment agencies or post job ads on print media and online job search sites (such as Monster and It’s My Career), social media is the in-thing in cost-effective, hassle-free – and fun – recruitment process.

How can you combine social media with recruitment? Why not ask a call center company in the Philippines? Call Taking You Forward today, a fast-rising call center and recruitment process outsourcing provider in the Philippines.